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Hand & Rifle Grenades
Type 91 Fragmentation Hand/Rifle/Mortar
Type 97 Fragmentation & Practice
Type 99 "Kiska" Hand/Rifle (T100 Launcher)
Type 99 Magnetic "Turtle Mine"
Type TB Gas
40mm H.E.A.T. Rifle (T2 Launcher)
Type 3 H.E.A.T.
Type 4 H.E. "Pottery"
Type 23 Fragmentation
Type 100 81mm Mortar Round
Type 2 H.E.A.T. Sub-Munition
Type 3 H.E. Sub-Munition
Type 100 20mm Anti-Aircraft Round
Type 89 50mm "Knee" Mortar

Artillery Fuzes
Type 91 AA Time Fuze
Type 89 Combustion Time Fuze
Type 88, Large, Impact Fuze
Type 88, Small, Impact Fuze
Type 89 Small Time Fuze
Type 100 Small Impact Fuze

Bomb Fuzes
Bomb Fuzes (Wind Vane)
Army / Navy, Nose & Tail Types
Relics of Guadalcanal .... 