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My apologies to collectors outside the U.S.A.
(Will not sell where prohibited by law.)

I'm not a "dealer", buying and selling to flip for a profit. Many items have been in my collection for decades.
Time to move things along to the next collector.

BK-2H Blendkörper Grenade, Germany, WWII

BK-2H Blendkörper ("Blinding Devices"), introduced in 1943 as an anti-tank weapon. It consists of a heavy glass bottle with a smaller glass vial nested inside. The dual bottle arrangement kept two chemical solutions separated.
The Blendkörper were thrown against tanks, smashing the glass containers allowing the chemicals to mix, creating a spontaneous volatile reaction producing a dense caustic cloud. Target areas were hatches, air vents or other openings leading to the main crew compartment.
The smoking mixture would penetrate to the interior of the tank incapacitating the crew, forcing them to abandon their vehicle.

Hairline crack in the Bakelite cap and a small chip. Modern O-ring on top. (See my web page for in-depth information.)

(More Images)       

$450 (+ shipping)

Brixia Mod. 35, 45mm Mortar Bomb,
Italy, WWII

The body is chemically blackened steel with a red-painted aluminum alloy tail.
The top cap covers a PD fuze and internally there's a fragmentation coil assembly. Some fuze components are made of a zinc alloy, showing typical corrosion.

The Brixia was mounted to a sloped tripod/sled frame and fired from a prone or seated position. Propellant cartridges top-fed from a magazine while the HE rounds were loaded individually from the side. Function was in effect a bolt action mechanism.
One fin shows the following stamping:
"45 mod.39 SRCM 2/40 AV"

Compared to the British 2" mortar it was heaver, more complicated and delivered a smaller explosive payload.
However, it had a higher rate of fire and was more accurate.
Despite its flaws, it saw widespread use during WWII.

An interesting and unique weapon, an ancestor to the modern U.S. MK47 40mm Advanced Grenade Launcher.

(More Images)   

$280 (+ shipping)  Weapons Systems Not Included!

75mm IGr 18, HE Round, German, WWII

This is the standard HE round for the German 7.5cm Leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18 ("Light Infantry Gun").
It was one of the first post-World War I weapons issued to the German Army in 1927, light and handy (400kg), the IG18 remained in service until 1945. The gun was made in standard, mountain, and airborne versions.
Effective range was 3550m (3880yds).

The aluminum fuze, LI Gr Z 23 nA, Leichte Infanterie-Granaten Zünder 23 neuer Art, is an all-ways action variant of the AZ23 fuze, selectable "O" (ohne=without), or "M" (mit=with), Delay action "V" (Verzögerung) 0.15 sec..
The projectile is embossed "23 apla 10.44". The brass case is headstamped 9 P 1937 6341 with waffenampt.


Stick Grenade, Imperial German Model 1916, WWI

The Model 1916 nomenclature applies to at least four different grenade variations, as shown in Patrice Delhomme's Book, Les Grenades Allemandes de la Grande Guerre.

Model 1916 design features were determined by individual manufacturer's preferences, including head design, handle shape, belt clip positions, etc..

The Model 1917, with it's characteristic deep-drawing head, was adopted as a standardized pattern and is the most common form encountered.
This handle is stamped (twice) with the delay time "5-½Sek" as well as the fabricator ID and date: "AEG 13.12.15" (1915), also has an original porcelain pull ball.
The base of the head has been removed and glued back on. But the top crimp is solid, showing this significant feature differentiating the different designs. Wood handle is a little loose at the metal fittings.

Relic grade, but still a reasonable example of a hard-to-find grenade type.
(A candidate for a better restoration effort I think, for those of you up for that sort of challenge.)

(More Images)           

$280 (+ shipping)

Rod Grenade, No.24, Mark II British, WWI

Introduced for service May 1918, the No.24 Mk.II was optimized for long range by the elimination of the segmented body found on the earlier Mark I design.
(You can find more information on this type on my Rod Grenade page.)

Relic - Repainted.


"M67" U.S. Frag, c.1973

A "M67" without the M67 body, using a repainted M69 instead.
Color and texture are a good match to the original.

The M213 Fuze and the M415A1 Transit Can are both authentic and in very nice condition. Original styrofoam insert.
Can and fuze dated "1-73" and "3-73", respectivley.
Fuze complete with "Jungle Clip". A respectable "place holder" for your collection.


USMC Training Aids, Vietnam

I understand these to be USMC Training Aids, for use in NVA / Vietcong weapon identification classes, made by a government contractor.
These models have no functional parts, just for visual shape identification.
Long Stick, with Russian RP-1 series fragmentation grenade and a RGD-5 mock-up.

Interesting Vietnam era background pieces.

(Click on the photo for more images.)

$185 - for the pair.
(+ shipping)

These aids compared to their real-life counterparts....

F1 Training Grenade, Russian, WWII and After.

Russian F1 instructional/training grenade. These types appear to have been used from WWII through the Cold War. It shows fuze features of both the Koveshnikov Fuze (pop off function) and the UZRG Fuze (absence of lever finger "bumps").


Grenades, Practice (Chalk Filler), French, Post 1960's

(Left)- XF1 Practice Grenade
Blue plastic body with removeable fuze well. Body marked: "61-LXT-75".
F6 Fuze. Grenade is completely empty.

(Right)- OFX37 (Practice version of the Mod. 1937 HE).
Body made of sheet aluminum. Original blue paint with markings in yellow:
OF X 37 PN 111-LXT- 69 ; F6 Fuze.
Grenade still appears to contain some (most?) of the chalk filler (weight).
This metal version is much harder to find than the plastic XF1.

SOLD (XF1)   /   SOLD (OFX37)

20mm MG-FF, Aircraft Cannon Round, German, WWII

20mm x 81RR HEI Round for the (Oerlikon) Aircraft Gun.
Excellent original paint and markings, with the aluminum PD fuze AZ 1504.
Copper-coated steel case.
Beautiful example, hard to improve on.
Fuze: 9 1941 AZ 1504 eea
Headstamp: BT J1 40 12b
with Weimar eagles.
Projectile is tight in the case. Inside is a rattle to verify it's empty.
(Click on the photo for more images.)

$195 (+ shipping)

AZ 5071 Nose Fuze, German, WWII

Nose Fuze, found on the 30mm HE GewehrSprenggranate Rifle Grenade.
The original staking prevents disassembly.

It appears the internals are present (weight), the plunger has spring tension on it, but (obviously) internal conditions are unknown.

Overall brown partina obscures the markings, but it still presents well.

(Click on the photo for more images.)

$65 (+ shipping)

If interested, email me.   -   Provide a zip code will help quote shipping. PO or Bank Money Order. Thanks!

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